Why We Want to Invest in Elkhorn
We're not just a church IN Elkhorn, we're a church FOR Elkhorn. We care about our city. We care about the people, the families, the schools. We care about making our community a better place–and most of all–we care about transforming lives. So we plan events and activities that bless our community.
What We Do
We want to provide a fun way for families to enjoy a summer afternoon together, without emptying their pockets. So we cover the cost of 50+ games, rides, and activities from 12-4pm on the Saturday of Elkhorn Days. The Family Fun Fest takes place in Ta-Ha-Zouka Park. Over 250 volunteers from Relevant run the activities and it's one of the most fun days of the year for our church! You can check out our Family Fun Festival page in May for official dates. This Facebook album features photos from a recent Family Fun Festival.
These outdoor movie nights were launched in the fall of 2016 in order to provide some fun nights for the Elkhorn community to come together, enjoy some ice cream and watch a family-friendly movie. We put on one Flix at the Chef night per month throughout the summer and into the fall. Visit FlixattheChef.com to learn more and see upcoming movie dates.
Elkhorn has done their Christmas Tree Lighting Party in Olde Towne for over a decade. In 2013, the Elkhorn Downtown Business Association asked Relevant if we'd be interested in facilitating the Tree Lighting Party. We emphatically accepted. Over the last few years the Tree Lighting Party has included live music, photos with Santa Claus, hot dogs, cookies, hot chocolate - all the ingredients for a good party - in Olde Towne Elkhorn. Check the Coming Up at Relevant page in November to learn more about the next Tree Lighting Party. View this Facebook album to see photos from a recent Tree Lighting.
We also partner with other people that care about making a difference in Elkhorn. We offer financial and/or volunteer support to the following organizations:
Elkhorn Downtown Business Association
We also offer direct financial support to Elkhorn families in need.
If you would like more information, email our Director of Impact Ministries, Cory Nelson, at cory@relevantcommunity.org.